You've probably found yourself in Maybe-land before... putting up with bad behaviors while the voice in your head tries to convince you to settle by saying things like:

  • “Maybe my expectations are unrealistic.”
  • “Maybe it’s not so bad.”
  • “Maybe it will change if I give it more time.”
  • “Maybe I’m being too needy.”
  • “Maybe this is better than nothing.”

Maybe-land is where you find yourself making up excuses, justifying dis-appointments, and pretending you don’t want more — this is YOU abandoning YOU!


Following your YES is how you get out of Maybe-land once and for all.


It is more important than ever to take care of the thing you have the most control over ... yourself.


Following your YES frees you from those awkward situations that lead to Maybe-land, where you feel the tension but don’t say or do anything about it.


It puts an end to giving away 10 years of your life because you are afraid of a 30 minute conversation.


Following your YES is the strength to speak up and move forward.

I'm ready to move forward

Attract more people who add value to your life, 

while effortlessly eliminating the "takers."

Imagine your life where there is…


• No more making excuses.

• No more putting up with bad behavior.

• No more comparison and competition.

• No more waiting for approval from others.

• No more lowering your standards and settling.

• No more hesitation to listen to your inner guidance.

• No more playing small and doubting you are enough.

• No more wondering and worrying what to do or say next.

• No more endless giving and giving while receiving nothing in return.


Instead you are going from YES to YES to YES, while you attract more people who love, support, and encourage you into your life.


Would you like it if...

  • You not only knew a shortcut to happiness, love and success, you were also an expert at navigating it.
  • You had a simple recipe for being confident in your next steps and excited about life again, and you were masterful at whipping it up whenever you desired.
  • You could finally love your life, trust your heart and be excited about the journey. Your mornings are good, mid-day is great, and your evenings even better.
  • You didn't have to wrestle with overwhelm and constantly feel like you are in competition with the world around you. You simply love rocking who you are ... no comparisons required.
  • This was all available in one place - curated especially for you from over 20 years of research providing you with the precise steps to take to fill your life with high quality people.

Here it is!...



Following Your YES does have some significant side effects which may include:

• Better sleep.

• Dramatic reduction in your stress levels.

• Unshakable trust in your inner guidance.

• Increased energy levels throughout your day.

• Increased sense of freedom, ease, and clarity.

• More joyful experiences with your loved ones. 

• Unexpected excitement to get out of bed in the morning.

• Attracting people, experiences, and opportunities that invigorate you.


I thought you should know. 😁


I want these side effects

Unlike countless other programs that declare they have the perfect system for how you need to live your life, the Follow Your YES program guides you in connecting with your Inner Authority  so you can live your life in alignment with your true essence, not someone else's idea of what's right for you.


This program works because it empowers you. 


You learn to reclaim control of your life with ease, instead of giving control over to some "expert" who claims to know what is best for you even though they don't know you.

15 Minutes a Day

x 4 weeks

A life filled with YESES!


In just 4 weeks you can learn everything you need to know to tune into and trust your YES consistently, so you can take command of your life again.

No more second guessing and stressing over what is your best next step.

Get ready to live your life by going from YES to YES to YES with confidence!

Once you master following your YES you attract more interesting people and more exciting opportunities that lead to more fulfilling experiences than ever before.

I'm ready
Learn how to create a life filled with people who excite and energize you in just 4 weeks.

By the end of the Follow Your YES program, you'll have learned how to:

  • Make friends with NO, so you can stop wasting your precious time and resources doing things with people who drain your energy and ending up feeling used. 
  • Honor your YES and speak your truth with confidence, perfect for people who often find themselves in people pleaser mode and are sick and tired of feeling taken for granted.
  • Set clear standards that invite people into deeper connection, without being viewed as demanding, inflexible or self-centered.
  • Permanently eliminate procrastination from your life, ideal for people who feel trapped on a hamster wheel of indecision and doubt.
  • Take the shortest path possible to the people who add love, happiness, and encouragement to your days, even if the path you've been on most your life has felt long, painful, and futile


You're going to




I personally guide you through daily trainings to take you by the hand as you build your following your YES muscles. No "junior assistant trainers" here. This is 100% me working with you.

30-Day YES Tracker

This is an easy to use logbook with daily inspirational messages to keep track of your progress as you build your practice of following your YES. You'll love how simple it is to see your daily advancements.

Advanced Tools

Learn advanced tools that in the past were only available to my private clients. These state-of-the-art methods provide you with elite levels of clarity and confidence at your finger tips.

Step-by-step guidance

You will be led one step at a time through every piece in the process of following your YES. Clear and easy to follow instructions directly from me to you. I'm going to make sure you get it right.


Our online community a great place for you to connect with your peers and share your questions and experiences as you proceed in your journey. The support you receive in this group is truly priceless.

I'M READY to Follow My YES!
Sign Me Up Now


It doesn't matter what your background is or what you've been through up until this point because your YES is available to you today. 


Your YES is inside of you right now, and I'm going to walk you through exactly how to tap into it.


You can do this! I guarantee you can learn how to go from YES to YES to YES in your life in just four short weeks.


I believe in you and I know on some level you do too or you wouldn't be reading about this program right now.


Let's build on that belief and take your life to the next level.

I'm ready for a life filled with YESES!

And just who will be teaching you how to Follow Your YES?

Me! Ken Bechtel -
I literally wrote the book on this subject.

I'm the author of Follow Your YES, the book that provides you with practical steps to help you grow into your fullest expression from the inside out, so you can live the fulfilling life you came here to live. My work has been shared in over 100 countries on radio, podcasts, and stages throughout the world. 

I've helped thousands of people around the globe to find, trust and follow their YES and I know I can help you too.

"I am free from overwhelm, and it feels great!"

Learning how to follow my YES and stop worrying about what I thought everyone around me needed has changed my life. Gone are the days of endlessly stressing over what I thought my family, my friends, my work colleagues, and even total strangers needed to be happy. Now I encourage them to follow their YES by following mine. It is the most liberating feeling I have ever experienced. It is like I let go of a big bag of rocks I didn't even realize I had been carrying.

Margot - Houston, Texas

Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown
Week 1

Eliminating Wobbles

Do you want a life that feels solid and stable?

The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.

- Saint Augustine

The reason so many people struggle with transforming their lives in a way that lasts is we are so eager to build up that we skip over building the solid foundation needed to support our growth. This leads to temporary growth that's not sustainable. 

Look I know it's not sexy. We all want to see our house going up, not a hole being dug in the ground, but without a solid foundation your house won't last very long. I'm committed to Following Your YES being a permanent upgrade for you.

My approach with you is to start by building a foundation that is rock solid. This way your YES filled life will be well built, dependable and long-lasting.

You might be surprised how much fun it is as well.

Week 2


Did you know there are little gremlins in your mind that love to trip you up and hold you back? These little suckers are sneaky, persistent, and love to see you feeling disappointed.

During our second week together we are not only going to identify the gremlins that are your nemesis, we are going to eliminate them for good.

The exercises we do this week will be like doing years of therapy in just a few days, but way more enjoyable. 

As a recent graduate, Kate, put it - 

“This did more for me in an hour than any amount of therapy and reading books has done in 2 years."

Week 3


One of the biggest challenges you will face is staying clear about what your YES is in the moment. There are so many people, ideas, activities, and objects jockeying for your attention and energy that it can feel impossible to know what is truly yours to focus on.

This week we are going to teach you how to use some serious power tools for clearing away the distractions and identifying your YES in the midst of the chaos. We are going to metaphorically clean out your closet so you get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit you, and make room for more of the things that support you in looking and feeling your best.

You'll be amazed at how much easier it is to stay focused on the things that energize you once you've completed this week's exercises.

Week 4


In week 4 we will focus on expanding your impact in the world. Getting you in position to fully shine and share your gifts locally and globally in the way that aligns with your YES.

If you're not shining, no one can see you.

Unfortunately most people have become quite good at shutting down and playing small. The fear that we'll be attacked, laughed at, resented, or criticized if we shine our brightest is a powerful deterrent.

We are going to erase the false limitations that have been holding you back so you can finally break free from the box you've been living in. If you know deep down that you've been living a confined life and you're yearning to shine more brightly, this will be your favorite week of the program.

As  Norman Vincent Peale encouraged, we're going to shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Mastering the art of following your YES is all you need to fill your life with people you are excited to spend your time with personally, professionally, and romantically.


The Follow Your YES program takes you from uncertain, confused, and doubtful to confident, clear, and decisive in record time.


This is your ticket out of overwhelm and into easy-breezy.

Let's get you started!
I'd like my ticket please

Let's really fast-track your success!


• BONUS #1: All Lessons are Available via our App on Your Mobile Device -

Total convenience to listen or watch whenever and where ever you like. Super easy to fit into your busy days.


• BONUS #2: Downloadable Transcripts of Every Lesson - 

Perfect for you to highlight, make notes on, and add to your personal development library. Each lesson is professionally transcribed and easy to print.


• BONUS #3: Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons - 

Have all these priceless trainings available at your fingertips whenever and wherever you need them either online or via our easy to use mobile app.

4 Weeks of Daily Training

5 to 15 Minutes a Day

6 Essential Advanced Tools

This program is extraordinary! Your insight and wisdom are invaluable to me as I continue to grow into the best version of me, to live the full life I want to enjoy and share with the people who light me up.

Kat - California - USA

I don't usually give reviews, but the Follow Your YES program was so amazing I just had to let you know. I've been a self-help student for many years and nothing has ever provided the progress you did with your trainings. The clarity with which you present this work makes it almost impossible to mess up. Brilliant!

Sarah - Michigan - USA

Last night I was writing down my YESES in my YES tracker before I went to bed and tears started running down my face. As I looked at the progress I had made in just one day and realized how much second-guessing I used to go through before taking even one step, I was overcome with joy.

Thank you for helping me reclaim my life.

Laurie - Vermont - USA

The teachings in your class were so simple even me with my limited english understood them. I am shining brighter than I ever have before and very grateful. Grazie!

Gio - Rome - Italy

I'm ready to join



  • 4 Weeks of Daily Training - It takes just 5 - 15 minutes a day for these concise expertly developed tutorials to guide you through finding, trusting, and following your YES with ease. ($3047)
  • 6 Essential Advanced Tools and Practices - Powerful elite level tools to help you skillfully maneuver through even the toughest challenges. ($547)
  • 30-Day YES Tracker - This easy, fun and highly effective log makes your progress easy to keep track of in a simple to use and convenient format. ($97)
  • Step-by-step guidance - You will be led one step at a time through every piece in the process of following your YES. Clear and easy to follow instructions directly from me to you. I'm going to make sure you get it right. ($347)

  • BONUS #1: All Lessons are Available Via Our App on Your Mobile Device  - Total convenience to listen or watch whenever and where ever you like. Super easy to fit into your busy days. ($147)
  • BONUS #2: Downloadable Transcripts of all Trainings - Perfect for you to highlight, make notes on, and add to your personal development library. Each lesson is professionally transcribed and easy to print. ($297)
  • BONUS #3: Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons - Have all these priceless trainings available at your fingertips whenever and wherever you need them either online or via our easy to use mobile app. ($697)

TOTAL VALUE - $5,179


Regular Price - $997



One-Time Payment



  • 4 Weeks of Daily Training
  • 6 Essential Advanced Tools
  • 30-Day YES Tracker
  • Step-by-step guidance


  • All Lessons Available on Your Mobile Device
  • Downloadable Transcripts of all Trainings
  • Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons


I'm ready to follow my yes!
15 Minutes a day is all it takes to become a whiz at Following Your YES!

👍 No-risk Guarantee

If you're not satisfied, cancel before starting week 3 and receive a full refund.


If there is one thing you know about me by now it's that I believe we are all here to follow our YES. So I encourage you to do that now.

Check in with your heart and ask if joining this program in order to live a life filled with YESES is a YES for you right now?

I'm not gonna pitch you or shame you or try to convince you to join because that would be out of integrity with my YES of serving those who are ready to be served.

If this isn't your YES right now, I wish you well.

And if it is your YES, I look forward to having you in the program.

I'm ready for a life filled with YESES

More Questions?