Picture this...

You're a successful woman, excelling in your career, but every day you return home to a relationship filled with doubt.


You've invested months and years into this relationship, pouring in time, energy, and emotion, yet you find yourself questioning if this is truly where you belong.


You're wondering if your man is the one for you, or is it time to move on? 


You’re not alone in this struggle. Many professional women like you are asking the same questions.


Not a lot of fun, is it?

What if:

  • There was a program designed specifically for you, as a busy woman who is at a crossroads in your relationship? 

  • You only needed to answer three questions to end the uncertainty and have absolute confidence whether your relationship has a bright future ahead or it's time to move on to something better?

  • You had a proven formula to get truthful answers to those questions, that puts an end to all the guessing and second-guessing?

  • You knew exactly what to ask and how to ask it so you don't have to try and figure it out all by yourself?

Good news!

Now there's a quick, effective way to find the clarity you need...

I'm ready to end the uncertainty


Navigate Your Love Life with Clarity

Gain the insights you need to make informed decisions about the direction of your relationship's future.

Graduate's Success Story...

"The tools and formulas I learned here have made all the difference.

David and I are doing well, growing and learning every day through our conversations and interactions with each other. 

This program saved me from throwing this all away.

Thank you.”

- Jessica C. - North Carolina

You're probably feeling torn. 

On one hand you believe in the future of your relationship, and on the other you feel like the only way to fix things is to break up.


  • You want to talk with him about it, but you fear sharing things with him because of how he has responded in the past.

  • You know that by not saying anything you're ruining your own life.

  • You don’t want to hurt him. You love him very much but just don't know if you have a future or not, even after investing months and years in this relationship.

  • You feel like you’re settling, and if you stay in this relationship the way it is now, it will break you.

  • You think to yourself, there’s a chance, but you just don’t know.

  • He says all the right things. Then he either doesn't do them, or he does something different. There's always an excuse.

  • You end up doing everything yourself. It’s like you’re the man in your own life, even though you have a man.

  • You feel like you’re being strung along. And whenever you bring it up, he gets really defensive.

  • Sometimes you think you're the only one who cares.

You hate feeling so uncertain.

It feels like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place? 

You only have two options?
1) You either compromise and stay
2) You just say you're done.

But you don’t want to quit OR compromise.

You're probably feeling torn. 

On one hand you believe in the future of your relationship, and on the other you feel like the only way to fix things is to break up.


  • You want to talk with him about it, but you fear sharing things with him because of how he has responded in the past.

  • You know that by not saying anything you're ruining your own life.

  • You don’t want to hurt him. You love him very much but just don't know if you have a future or not. Even after investing months and years in this relationship.

  • You feel like you’re settling, and if you stay in this relationship the way it is now, it will break you.

  • You think to yourself, there’s a chance, but you just don’t know.

  • He says a lot of things. And he either doesn't do them, or he does something different.

  • You end up doing everything. It’s like you’re the man in your own life, even though you have a man.

  • He says all the right things, but there is always an excuse.

  • You feel like you’re being strung along. And whenever you bring it up, he gets really defensive.

  • Sometimes you think you're the only one who cares.

You hate feeling so uncertain.

It feels like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place? 

You only have two choices?
1) You either compromise and stay
2) You just say you're done.

But you don’t want to quit OR compromise.

The reason you are struggling is...

You're communicating with your man like he's a woman. 

This is completely natural. After all, if it works with you and your girlfriends, why wouldn't it work with him?

The evidence is clear:

When you talk with your man does he shut down, give you one word answers, or worse, act like he doesn't even hear you?

These behaviors are sure signs you're communicating with him like he's a woman.

While you feel like you are just trying to have a mature conversation.

He feels like you're beating a dead horse.

Has he ever accused you of nagging? This is why.

Round and round you go without feeling like you are making any progress.

But it doesn't have to be that way...

The Relationship Compass is your chance to learn how to communicate with your man from a man with 25+ years experience mentoring women.

No more wishful thinking advice from well intentioned "experts".

You'll receive the specific, proven language that works.

What if there was a third option?

A way to communicate that gets him to open up.

A way to express what you need and how you feel and be ready for however he responds, and then choose what you want to do from there. 

A way to know for certain if you are both clearly committed to moving forward or you're done. No looking back and wondering. 

A way that helps you come back to your center point and be yourself again, instead of having to be hypersensitive or totally numbed out.

A way that provides you with the sense of closure you desire.  

The Relationship Compass is your third option.

Which option sounds best to you?

I'm ready for option three

Graduate's Success Story...

"Things are going really well! A complete 180 from where I was when I started and where I am now.

It seems like a completely different life and relationship from where we were when I enrolled in the Relationship Compass program."

- Diana W. - Wisconsin


Watch this short video to learn how the Relationship Compass can work for you.

This is just what I need

So why now?

Well none of us are getting any younger.

As the author James Clear wrote: 

"The way to live a full life is to act quickly.

Particularly as you grow older, it's alarmingly easy to let a year or two (or five) slip by without doing the things you always felt like doing. You get into a rhythm—not necessarily one you love, but one you become comfortable repeating—and the grooves of your daily routine become deeper and more established.

Speed is perpetually undervalued. That doesn't mean you should feel frantic or rushed. But it definitely means you should stop letting the days drift by waiting for the moment to be right.

Stop acting like there is infinite time. This—the way you are living right now—is your one life.” 


I'm done waiting for the perfect moment



It doesn't matter what your background is or what you've been through up until this point because you can end your uncertainty starting today. 


With the Relationship Compass you can clarify, in just five short weeks and maybe sooner, whether you should stay because you have a bright future together or you should go because you don't. 


You can do this! I guarantee it.


I believe in you and I know on some level you do too or you wouldn't be reading about this program right now.


Let's build on that belief and end the uncertainty so you can take your life to the next level.


Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

I'm ready to move forward


What makes the Relationship Compass so effective...

Watch this 2 minute video to find out what we do differently to ensure you remember what you learn, so it's always there when you need it.

I'm ready for clarity in my relationship


Here's what Relationship Compass 

graduates are saying...

“I had a real problem with communication. I could communicate with my clients, my family, my friends, but I couldn’t communicate with someone I was being intimate with. I knew this had to change so I could have a healthy relationship.

The Relationship Compass helped me have the best experience of my life communicating with a man.

In the past I was constantly wondering and worrying. Not anymore.” 

- Samantha A. - Pennsylvania

“I am so happy and so at ease, and I don't feel any regrets for moving on. Thank you for helping me find the confidence and courage to move forward with my life.

I know that without the guidance I received in the Relationship Compass I would still be with Bryan just hoping it would get better.”


Suzette G. - California

"Since I've been sharing this work with Michael, he is wanting to engage on a much deeper level. Deeper than we've ever connected in our whole relationship.” 


- Holly D. - Virginia

"Thanks to the Relationship Compass course, I continue to be so happy and joyful and at ease. I now respond 'great!' when people ask me how I am. That never happened when I was with Jim.” 

- Connie M. - Texas

“Ken truly has a gift for communicating how we can get our needs met in partnerships.

He pinpointed behaviors and offered solutions that numerous therapists were never able to do for me.

Any woman desiring an emotionally healthy and mature partnership should seriously consider this program.”


- Grace P. - Illinois

“Exciting news, Marc and I are selling our condo and looking for a house in our area to call home and settle down.

I have never felt so confident about our relationship as I do now.

The Compass program gave me all the tools I needed so Marc and I are now growing together instead of continuing to drift apart.

Thank you!"

- Tina A. - South Carolina

How will this program change your life?

Have a Voice Again

No more suffering in silence while you hope and pray things get better on their own. The scripts and formulas you receive in this program give you the confidence to speak up.

No More Settling

Stop denying that you deserve more. No more kinda, sorta good enough. End the pattern of accepting crumbs when you know you are meant to have the whole cake.

End the Uncertainty

The Relationship Compass helps you to stop second guessing, and step into your certainty when making decisions about relationship. Clairity is the cure for anxiety.

Stand Tall

Tap into a level of self-respect you haven’t known in years. You'll develop the strength to make informed choices so you can now move forward with your head held high.

This is just what I need!

What you get...

Easy to Follow Trainings

Custom Tailored Video Lessons

Transformational Soundtrack

Full mobile accessibility

Step by Step Guidance

Lifetime 24/7 Access

Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

Your Needs are Needed

Most women are so focused on their man’s and their family’s needs that they lose track of their own needs.

It's not your fault. You've been programed to put other's needs ahead of your own.

This is why we start by clarifying what you need to thrive and not just survive in your relationship. Because until you know what you need to thrive there is no way to know if your relationship can provide it or not.

This may not be the sexiest module, but it is essential in order to figure out if your relationship has a bright future or not.

Highlights include:

  • You'll learn a simple 3-step process for clarifying what you need to be your bes, so you no longer feel like you're settling.
  • Gain a new perspective on “needs” and break free from the negative trap of beating yourself up for having needs.
  • You’ll discover how the "your needs make you needy" myth is one of the main things holding you back from thriving, and then we'll flip it in your favor.
  • Apply the proven Needs Identifier Process to tune into your needs quick as a wink, even if you haven’t thought about your needs in years.

What about him?

The only way to end the uncertainty and know for sure if you should stay or go, is to find out where he stands. What is his commitment level?

In this module we utilize the needs you tuned into in the previous module to find out the truth regarding his interest and ability in doing his part in your relationship.

The advanced communication skills you learn here will get him to open up and provide straight answers.

Highlights include:

  • Get the inside scoop on how to let your man know what you need to be your best, without having to worry about being seen as needy.
  • Find out the secret to get a man to open up so that deep, meaningful conversations are your new normal. 
  • You’ll learn the little known formula for getting your needs met, and how it opens the door to true partnership.
  • Discover the #1 missing ingredient in your communication, and the simple solution that always leads to positive outcomes.

Filling In the Gaps

Few things are more painful and frustrating than being blindsided by your man’s words or actions.

You wonder, “Why would he do that?”

To you as a woman it makes no sense at all, but to him as a man, I assure you, it makes perfect sense.

In this module you learn the specific question to ask to get to the heart of his motivations so you never have to wonder “why would he do that?” again.

Highlights include:

  • Identify the #1 contributor to unnecessary pain and suffering in your relationship, and how to free yourself from ever having to experience it again. 
  • Find out how to get clear answers about his behaviors so it builds trust and eliminates unnecessary doubts.
  • Special insights from me, as a man, on why men do what they do and how to use this insider information to set yourself up so everyone wins.
  • Plus discover the cure for anxiety in your relationship.

How to Avoid Potholes and Pitfalls

The lessons in this module may be the most important ones of all. 

We are going to ensure you steer clear of the potential potholes and pitfalls so you don’t unwittingly sabotage all the hard work you have put in so far.

This way we make certain you put an end to the sleepless nights and anxious days for good.

Highlights include:

  • You'll learn how to overcome the biggest stumbling block in communicating with someone you have feelings for. No more wondering “what if?”
  • Discover how to release the tension in your relationship so you can feel safe and relax again.
  • Plus you'll learn the #1 trap that will keep you in uncertainty and the ridiculously simple way to get out of it.

Bringing It All Together

As you complete this program we create a clear action plan for utilizing the Relationship Compass in all your romantic, professional, family and social relationships so you never suffer in silence again. 

Highlights include:

  • We connect the dots to make sure it is clear how all the tools, techniques and formulas you've learned come together to clarify your relationship's future.
  • You’ll receive parting instructions on exactly what is your role and what is his, so you don’t take it all on. This creates space for him to step in and step up.
  • Finalize the steps to take in order to eliminate the second guessing, thrive, and move forward with confidence so you can welcome in the love you desire, rather it is with your current partner or someone new.

All the tools, methods, and skills you need to end the uncertainty are included.

Nothing is held back.

I'm in!

And just who will be teaching this course?

That would be me - Ken Bechtel

I’m here to share with you the wisdom gained from more than two decades of research and experience to help you clarify your best next step in your relationship. I’ve helped women in over 100 countries with my work, and I know this can help you too.

The top questions I get from the women I help is “How do I know if I should stay or go? How can I tell if he is the one for me?”

Now I would never be so arrogant as to tell you what is best for you, but I can teach you how to decide that for yourself in a way that you will never question.

We all know that healthy communication is the foundation of any thriving relationship. It builds trust, fosters connection, and ensures both emotional and physical intimacy. Without it, relationships falter and fail.

The Relationship Compass is the culmination of over 25 years of real world experimentation that provides you with all the tools you need to master communication with your man and resolve the lingering questions that cloud your relationship. Without these tools it can feel like you are running on a hamster wheel and getting nowhere.

Once you have answers to the three questions we focus on in the Relationship Compass program, it empowers you to make an informed decision about your relationship’s future, without all the doubting, guessing, and worrying.

Whether you ultimately decide to stay in your current relationship or move on, you’ll do so with absolute confidence and without regrets.

Are you ready to get off the hamster wheel so you can move forward?

I'm ready to move forward



  • Weekly Step-by-Step Training Modules - I take you by the hand so you get it right the first time and can gain the clarity you need to end the uncertainty and move forward with confidence. ($527 value)

  • One of a Kind Transformational Soundtrack - Clarify where your relationship is headed with the guidance of some of your favorite artists. No one else is harnessing the incredible power of music the way we are to anchor the lessons deep in your subconscious mind. This is the secret to making everything you learn easier to recall, long after the lessons are over. ($447 value)

  • Exclusive "Get Your Man to Open Up" Toolkit - Easy-to-incorporate practices to enhance the quality of your conversations with your man. Including the secret to putting an end to "one-word answers" forever. ($377 value) 

  • Easy to Follow Video Lessons - Built on over 25 years of research and studies, these video trainings illustrate everything it takes to get the answers you need from your man to evaluate what kind of future you have together. ($247 value) 

  • Downloadable Worksheets and Scripts - simple to fill in forms help you prepare so you don't have to wonder what to say to your man. ($97 value)

  • Private Mobile App - The full program is available on your mobile device for total convenience. Listen or watch on the go. Super easy to fit into your busy schedule. ($127 value) 

  •  Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons - These priceless trainings are at your fingertips whenever and wherever you need them. Unlimited access to the entire course day or night. ($197 value)


Total Program Value




5 Week Program

  • Weekly Step-by-Step Training Modules
  • One of a Kind Transformational Soundtrack
  • Exclusive "Get Your Man to Open Up" Toolkit
  • Easy to Follow Video Lessons
  • Downloadable Worksheets and Scripts
  • Private Mobile App
  • Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Lessons

All for just $197 

Sign me up!
If you're not satisfied, cancel before starting week 3 and receive a full refund.

Still Have Questions?