How I Can Help
Often after reading Follow Your YES and sometimes even before they read it, people ask how they can work with me. I'm happy to assist. Know that if you are eager to bloom and be your best, this is the place.
My intention is to help as many people as I can, so I have created three options for working together. I hope as you scroll down this page you find one that fits your needs.
- Ken
Get ready to create your dream life

Live Events
I personally love a live event. Being able to meet you in person and provide hands-on, visceral experiences brings me so much joy. See below for how we are approaching live events during these uncertain times.

Self Study Online
If you are a fan of Follow Your YES or simply someone who is interested in learning how to simplify, clarify, and amplify your life then this is a great place to start.
The YES-ify Your Life program is your daily guide to making following your YES be your new default operating system. I personally take you through essential lessons and activities for building up your YES following muscles.
If you're serious about moving out of Maybe-land forever you need to check this out.
LEAD THE WAY ➔Group Coaching Program
Imagine you are learning how to YES-ify your life and as you are on this journey you have direct access to insights and support from the person who literally wrote the book on the topic. That’s exactly what you receive in this group program.
As powerful and effective as the YES-ify Your Life self study program is, you may prefer the added benefit of being part of a group and receiving individualized coaching as you learn and grow. If that's you, I've got you covered.
Leveraged learning is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate your progress. By working collectively and sharing experiences as you all take the same path towards a happier, more successful, and fulfilling life you get to learn from the experiences of others and alleviate the fear that you’re the only one facing challenges in your transformation.
The YES-ify Your Life Group Program includes everything in the self study program with the added advantage of regular group coaching sessions. I personally work with you in a safe, secure virtual setting to personalize the program lessons and apply them to your individual life situation. You'll never need to worry about how to apply this material in your world. Custom tailored coaching is the focus.
I limit the size of this program to make sure there is space for everyone to receive personal attention during the group sessions. If this type of program interests you, be sure to let us know right away to secure your spot in the group.

Live Events
There's just something about attending a live event. Being together in person, getting to know each other both during sessions and socially outside of the event is a powerful catalyst for following through with what you are learning.
I love teaching and leading such events. It is one of my favorite ways to generate transformation and create big life enhancements for everyone involved.
As you are aware, live events are kind of a wild card these days so I don't have any scheduled right now.
In order to help me bring you a live event as soon as possible please do me a favor and click the button below to let me know your interest in such events.
Once I know the interest is there, I assure you a live event will be coming your way. Thank you.
I am interested ➔
Happier & More Joy - Cindy - Georgia
For years I was trapped in my mind chasing things that really didn't matter to me. I thought I would never break free. Then I discovered my YES.
I have gained so much knowledge and clarity about what I need to have a happier and more joy filled life. Ken's teaching style and advice is so clear, simple, very easy to follow, and highly effective.
Studying with Ken is one of the best investments I have ever made, and I will be able to use all the knowledge and skills I learned from him in all aspects of my life.”

No More Ostrich - Barb - Arizona
I was that person who looked like I had it all on the outside but felt empty on the inside. I was living a lie.
Ken, you have engaged me in a process of growth that I can’t put a monetary value on.
In the past I’ve been an ostrich and stuck my head in the sand when confronted with problems and situations that I didn’t want to face. I told myself, if I didn’t think about it or talk about it then it didn’t really exist. In relationship problems I would just run because I didn’t know how to get through them.
You taught me how to honor my YES and have the courage to live it. I have never been this confident before. I now revel in facing the problems and situations I used to avoid. Thank you so much for believing in me!