S u c c e s s  S t o r i e s

Ken is an incredible Teacher

Having Ken mentor me was amazing! I learned so much about myself and how to honor my own happiness through his exercises and encouragement. I gained so much confidence in knowing how to ask for my needs to be met in all relationships. I highly recommend working with him. It is so worth it!


Santa Fe, New Mexico

Beautiful Journey

Thank you for doing a beautiful job taking me from tears and fears to hope and joy.  I don't know how you came to be so good at this, but I'm glad that you landed in this field and are sharing your talents with us.

- Jean - Tampa, Florida

I am definitely happier

Your work has profoundly changed me and my life and I am very grateful for it. Other than grief following my husband's passing I was not unhappy, but I am definitely happier, better connected to family, friends, and my community as a result of the insights of my work with you.  That is huge for me. 

There is barely a day that goes by without my thinking of something from the work we did and applying in in whatever is in front of me.  And I’m only beginning.  Thank you.

Tanya - Las Vegas, Nevada

NEW TRICKS - Jill - massachusetts

YOU/Ken really DO know how to "Teach An Old Dog...New Tricks!"Ā 

It's so refreshing to crack open my disfunctional vault of "same old, same old" behaviors and actions which haveĀ gotten me nowhere over the past 20-30 years and finally make progress in accomplishing my goals and actually living out my dreams.


Thanks to Ken’s ability to connect the dots that I could not see for myself ...

I now have the confidence to speak my needs and address conflict with my kids, my employer and others with whom I interact including my ex.

The best part is that my communication is accepted because it is delivered confidently. I now look forward to the next phase of my life with anticipation and excitement.



You saved me wasted time and hurt feelings and confusion and anxiety and stress and inner turmoil and resentment and tension and frustration.

I gained freedom and ease and clarity. This is priceless.

I can never thank you enough.

Terry - Joplin, Missouri

Feeling the love ā¤ļøŽ

More triumphs and testamonials

Marc, California, USA

As a long-term student of personal development, the work I have done with Ken has been the most extraordinary work I have ever experienced. It’s beyond amazing to me. Seriously.

Julia, Ohio, USA

I extended myself to work with Ken, and because of the confidence I developed through this work I had the strength to renegotiate my contract with my employer. I now will be making an additional $25,000 this year.

Carly, Arizona, USA

Ken is the best. I trust me more than anything now! I feel confident and I wouldn’t have gotten here without your book and your program. 

I even got rid of my therapist.

Want to learn more about the program all these people are raving about?


YES - I want to know more

Jenna, Kentucky, USA

I have you to thank, Ken. You gave me the inspiration, permission, and courage to be authentically me. 

Kat, California,Ā USAĀ 

Thank you for your continued support. Your insight and wisdom are invaluable to me as I continue to grow into the best version of me and to live the full life I want to enjoy and shareĀ with the people who light me up..

Nick, London, UK.

I feel so lucky to be working with you. I don’t think I have ever been happier than I am right now. Seriously.

Wondering if I can help you with your specific challenges?

I invite you to schedule a 30 minute discovery call with me.Ā 

I will personally work with you to nail down whatā€™s been holding you back, clarify your goals and desires, and create a step-by-step plan toĀ be following your YES in no time.


I'd like to talk